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Coral Guardian

Sponsor Spotlight : Estelle Camail – Avril

Sponsor Spotlight : Estelle Camail – Avril
Publié par Coral Guardian | Publié le 30 April 2024

Tell us a little about yourself 🙂

I’m Estelle Camail, I work at Avril on the company’s sustainable development strategy. I was one of the people who made the selection of nonprofits we donated to in 2023 as part of our commitment to 1% for the Planet.


Why is our cause so important to you?

Even though our business is not directly linked to the oceans, we felt it was important to contribute to saving them, given the essential role they play on a global scale and the urgency of the situation.


Why did your company, Avril Cosmétiques, decide to make a commitment to coral ecosystems?

At Avril, many of us are aware of environmental issues. In 2023, we had a major internal debate on the impact of our sunscreens on the marine environment and how to minimize it. In line with this, when selecting nonprofits, we were keen to help a coral protection nonprofit, and Coral Guardian seemed to us the perfect candidate for this!



How do you put this commitment into practice?

We have had our sunscreen formulas tested on coral reefs, and we are working to limit our packaging, especially plastic. We’ve also joined 1% for the Planet to help protect the environment.


What worries you most about the current state of our oceans?

Pollution linked to human activities, and above all the colossal quantities of plastic that end up in the oceans, with disastrous consequences for marine environments and biodiversity.


What gives you hope?

I have the impression that people are talking about these issues more and more, and I hope that this will lead to a real awareness. The concrete actions carried out by Coral Guardians to restore coral ecosystems in Indonesia also give us hope!


Tell us about an experience or memory in the ocean.

Last year, while on vacation in Brittany, we decided to cross from Quiberon to Belle Ile by catamaran rather than ferry. On the way back, the boat took a detour to pick up a large piece of net floating in the water. I’m glad this kind of initiative is growing.

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