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Coral Guardian

A look back at the incredible results of 2017!

A look back at the incredible results of 2017!
Publié par Coral Guardian | Publié le 16 February 2018

In 2017, thanks to all our supporters, we achieved incredible results. We saved about 26,000 corals, provided employment to 15 people in Indonesia and 5 people in France, created the 629 hectare Pulau Hatamin Marine Protected Area, and above all, we provided hope for reefs and local communities.

The coral colonies transplanted to the area have survived periods of warming water masses in 2016 and 2017 and are hardly under local pressure. Local communities have taken ownership of the project and are proud to protect their reefs because they understand the essential role they play in their lives. In turn, they sensitize locals and tourists who visit them.

This year, we also participated actively in several international oceans conferences. Each time, our approach to participatory marine conservation has been commended. That is why we are now working to replicate our model in other territories such as New Caledonia and Colombia.

The year 2018 will therefore be the year of all the challenges. We will continue to support the projects already started, while supporting the new ones. We will continue our awareness-raising action in France, through a new and outstanding educational project. In short, we are mobilizing more than ever to protect coral ecosystems and the people who depend on them.

And 2018 seems to be the right year to redouble our efforts and strengthen our network of partners, as it will be officially the International Year of Coral Reefs!

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